Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hello, bloggers! Melizza here.

My life can be pretty relaxed at times and super eventful at others. Going into my second year at BYU, a lot goes on and happens.

So I have decided to start a blog- a real, mostly-text-post blog. I have a Tumblr, which is a pretty fun, relaxed blog, but I mostly post photos and next-to-no text posts.

I am committing to this blog.
I will update and post regularly.
It will be great.

I am 19 years young and as my first post, I have decided that I will post nineteen facts about myself. Here it goes!

1. I am currently a Photography major, but I'm considering switching to Vocal Performance or Music Education.
2. I am a pretty cool wedding/lifestyle photographer (if I do say so myself) and I think you should totally check out my website: Melissa Andrea Photography.
3. I hate gum and eggs. Call me weird. They make me gag.
4. I have the biggest sweet tooth ever. Seriously.
5. I am obsessed with odd numbers and my favorite number is 7, followed by 11. I hate even numbers.
6. If I wasn't so horrible at math, I would be an astronomer or astronaut. No joke.
7. One of my favorite things to do is lay out under the stars.
8. I see the hand of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, easiest when I am out in nature.
9. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Call me way you may (LDS, Mormon...), I am a Christ-follower.
10. I am one out of nine. I know what you're thinking, "She's another one of those crazy Mormons with those crazy-huge Mormon families", but this is a false statement. My parents are both actually divorced and both remarried, so I have three stepbrothers, two stepsisters, a half brother, a half sister, and only one full-blood brother. But I consider them to all be my brothers and sisters alike. It's fun being part of such a big family!
11. I may not look it, but I am half Puerto Rican and half Colombian. I am fluent in Spanish.
12. I am very blunt and I tell it like it is. I have a very strong personality.
13. I am a brunette and will always hold to my natural hair color, but I will always have some streak of white, platinum blond in my hair. It's kind of my thing.
14. I am obsessed with Asians. It's funny. Ever since I was little, my closest or best friends have been Asian. It started with Christina Chang in elementary school. Then it was Denice in middle school. In high school, Jackie, Amanda, Kinshiro and Chris have remained my best/closest friends. I am particularly fond of Filipinos, Japanese and Koreans.
15. I am currently taking a course in Tagalog (the language they mostly speak in the Philippines) and plan to go to the Philippines next May of 2012. It will be great.
16. I also love red heads.
17. I sing (classical and choir are my favorite) and play guitar. I love music.
18. I love peanut butter, banana and chocolate. They go well together, too.
19. I'm pretty flexible for a non-flexible person. Does that make sense? Probably not. Just trust me.

♥ Melizza.

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