Monday, September 12, 2011

So I had a photo assignment.

Paul told us to shoot a roll of film displaying "Why I'm Awesome" or "Why my Life Sucks." Being an optimist, I naturally aimed for the first choice. Today, Spencer shot my self-portraits on a roll of color Kodak Chrome (ISO 200) on my Nikon N75 35mm camera with my 24mm f/2.8 and 50mm f/1.8D Nikkor lenses.

What we did?

I went all around school for an hour. In my zebra Snuggie. Eating ice cream. At 11 am. Standing on a second-floor balcony. Standing on chairs. Laying down and sitting by cute couples around campus. 

Did people give me weird looks?

You better believe it. 

The motto of today and every day of my life?

Haters gonna hate.

And I don't mean that in the obnoxious, let-me-be-super-crazy-and-pretend-I-don't-care-about-what-people-think-when-I-really-do sort of way. 

I mean to say that you shouldn't worry about what people think of you. Don't be shy or embarrassed to do or say something. Step out of your comfort zone here and there. Look for opportunities to learn more. Stand for what you believe in, but learn to be truly understanding of others, as well. Be kind and gentle when the world says to be rough and rude.

"There is no growing in a comfort zone and no comfort in a growing zone."


  1. But where are the pictures for us to see?!? :) I love the last quote... do you remember who said it?

  2. They were taken on film, so they're being developed now. You should see them by the end of this week :)

    Nooo I tried Google searching to find who said it but there wasn't really a source.
