Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm such a bad person.

It has been exactly two weeks since my last update; shame on me!
  • Three weekends ago, I asked Derrick Hall (our ward's choir pianist; I'm in ward choir) to the girl's choice dance. Friday, January 27th was the actual dance! I went with my classic red dress, diamond grey tights, straightened hair and new suede wedge heels. I was please. It was a group of us, about 8: McKenzie and Todd, Emily and Jordan, this other couple whose names I always forget, and us. We all met up and drove over to The Thai Kitchen; DELICIOUS food but ridiculously SLOW service. We literally waited OVER an hour and forty minutes before we got our food and one of the girls got her check BEFORE she got her food. Needless to say, they didn't get tipped very well. It wasn't all bad, though, because we were talking the whole time and it was great. We then went to the dance. Derrick and I aren't very big on dances, but it was still fun! There were chocolate and caramel fountains (more like slow cookers filled with chocolate and caramel) and delicious Rice Krispies squares to dip with, among other various, dip-worthy sweets. There were A LOT of people from the ward and it was just fun!
  • This year has been SUCH a good year health-wise. Last month, Sarah, Liz and I (roommates) got/renewed memberships at Gold's Gym. We got THE sweetest deal: $320 for 14 months, which ends up being $21/month. Unlimited everything: machines, classes, Cardio Cinema (a movie theatre with treadmills, ellipticals, etc. instead of seats), pool, sauna, etc. So I usually go to the gym with Sarah Monday for Cardio Cinema, Tuesday for Zumba, Thursday for Zumba, and Liz joins us Saturday mornings for Cardio Cinema. IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE ACTIVE. I definitely feel those endorphins release! Not to mention I have my Contemporary Dance class Tuesdays and Thursdays at school for an hour each. I LOVE DANCING. I LOVE ZUMBA. I LOVE THE TREAD MILL AND ELLIPTICAL. I LOVE THE GOOD KIND OF PAIN AND SORENESS THAT RESULTS FROM ALL. It really just does feel good. Not to mention my legs are getting so tough and toned and nice from it all. And I have loads more energy.
  • I've signed a contract for next Fall/Winter! Sarah, Liz and I will be moving into condos across the street, so we'll still be in the same ward. I really DO love my ward. I also love the place we live in now; Liz and Sarah aren't fans of the thin walls and noise pollution, though. I really don't mind. We've gotten way close this semester, though, so we totally want to live together! 
  • Our condo for next semester is WAY sweet; I have the private room, Sarah and Liz are sharing the shared room. I ADORE the private room so much; SO much closet space and it's just going to be so nice to have my own space, again. I've had my own room since seventh grade, I had the private room at Wyview freshman year at BYU. This year is the only year I've shared a room with someone for months at a time since who-knows-when. I cannot WAIT to have my own room, again. It's pricey but it WILL be worth it. Words cannot describe how psyched I am to have my own room, again.
  • Our condo also has two floors, two bathrooms (a full upstairs and a guest downstairs), a washer and dryer (hurray for not having to pay to do my laundry, anymore!), underground parking (not that I have a car to park), storage space in the underground parking lot, a new dishwasher (good for Sarah and Liz who always use the dishwasher), a legit, working fireplace (I've never had one), and the most adorable landlord ever, George. It's going to be nice going back to only three roommates total (including myself, as it was at Wyview); MORE ROOM IN THE FRIDGE! I really am excited for this place and really am glad we're staying in the ward :)
  • So I'm only working five hours a week, now, which I am SO happy with! Now I can actually hang out and do stuff Saturdays and Friday mornings; I used to work all day Friday from 10a-9.45p, and Saturdays 4-9.45p. Now I only work Fridays from 5-9.45p. Did I mention I'm working with my roommate Sarah? I am and I love it.
  • I super duper very much adore my class schedule. It is the best thing.
  • Besides Indian and Thai food, I have added Pho to my favorites. Pho is a Vietnamese noodle dish. I got the chicken pho with Heidi and Liz at the Pho Noodle House. IT IS SO RIDICULOUSLY DELICIOUS. I also had Boba tea, which actually isn't tea AT ALL. It's just a slushie-smoothie kind of drink. So I got the mango boba and it literally tastes like a slushie.
  • It's been really odd this year. Like Spring. Very, very, very little snow.
♥ Melizza.


  1. Melissa, I love to read your posts because they absolutely bubble over with enthusiasm! I am glad to hear that you are having so much fun -- sorry it hasn't included any snow. (But really, suede wedge heels are more fun to wear than sorrels!)
    Next time you and Bronte have lunch, you should go to Pho. That used to be one of her favorites when we lived in Mukilteo. :)

  2. Thanks for the idea! I totally just texted Bronte and suggested we go one Saturday to get pho :) You are so sweet.
