Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My life since April 26th.

  • I moved into the condos across the street from where I used to live up until the end of April with my roommates Liz and Sarah- I AM IN LOVE. It is SO homey! It has two floors. DOWNSTAIRS: It has a full, roomy kitchen with plenty of cabinet and fridge space, new dishwasher, and a smooth-top stove (which I ESPECIALLY appreciate because our coil stove top in the old apartment was never, ever level). We have a half bathroom which is SO handy. We have a closet under the stairs that we call the "Harry Potter" or "reject" closet, hahah. We have a big dining table that seats six people and two cute, comfy couches. There is also a fireplace! UPSTAIRS: WE HAVE A WASHER AND DRYER (GOOD BYE to paying about $3 every time I want to wash and dry something)! We have another closet. There is a super roomy private room with a cute day bed, desk, big bookshelf, full-length mirror, desk chair, random other chair, and big closet- and it's all mine! I seriously missed having a private room. Liz and Sarah share the other room, so they pay less, but it's SUPER cramped and it's basically my room but with two beds squeezed in- ouch! They also have a sink in their bedroom. The full bathroom is upstairs and IT IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. Well, the toilet it. The handle always comes off, so we have to lift up the toilet bowl and readjust the chain. One day, while readjusting, I dropped the toilet bowl on the floor and it cracked into two pieces. sgfjgljdfglkjf. So annoying. But everything else is great! I love our shower head, sink, cabinet space, mirror, and the silly amount of places we have to hang towels. We have underground parking here, which is way sweet. I'm also a fan of the red brick and big, beautiful spruce trees out front.
  • The day we moved out of our old apartment complex and had cleaning checks was an absolute NIGHTMARE. I literally stayed up all night cleaning the stupid floors and walls that do not get clean, as well as our super-gross window sills with all sorts of nasty squished bug-guts. It was horrible. I only slept for half an hour. I was also constantly packing boxes and walking across the street to leave them at our condo. ALL my roommates and I were in a horrible mood. We were not to be trifled with that night. I AM NEVER MOVING AGAIN UNTIL I GRADUATE (unless I do something crazy like people do here and get married).
  • I didn't get a job and I didn't have ANY money, plus I was missing my family, so I jumped on the opportunity to go home to Miami, FL for three weeks from May 8-May 31. IT WAS SO NICE. I missed the beach and weather and my dog Brandy and my family so, so much. I was really bored, though, so it was nice to come back. While away, I went to Morikami Gardens with my baby sis and mom, watched The Avengers (AMAZING) and Dark Shadows (I kind of hated it- it was unexpectedly, disappointingly raunchy), went to see The Lion King on Broadway at the Adrienne Arsht Center (amazing), ate at numerous, delicious restaurants, went to my brother's Legacy Choir show and drama play, student-produced. I went to the beach a nice amount of times, learned how to make super-yummy bread for the first time ever, taught my first Zumba class, and made my brother apply to three Chick-Fil-As. 
  • I also got a new phone! It's the HTC One S and I am completely IN LOVE. His name is Pegasus II. My old phone, a Samsung Gravity that was white and turquoise, was called Pegasus (a-la-Hercules). Pegasus II has a white and teal zig-zag pattern case, so it's appropriate :)
  • I came back to Provo about a week ago.
  • I missed Provo very much and was way excited to come back. I LOVE BEING BACK.
  • I am in a new FHE group with awesome, new people and a new dinner group.
  • I used to be a FHE group leader, but have been called to a new calling: chair of the convert retention/missionary work/member activation committee. I AM SO EXCITED. We are going to do such great, great things.
  • I went on a mega, online, on-campus job hunt! And I have had/have three interviews between today and tomorrow! 
  • I scored a job on-campus today making sandwiches; NOT glamorous in the slightest and it IS far, BUT I will be getting paid and will be receiving a 50% discount off food at the Creamery and Cougareat.
  • Tomorrow, I have an interview for an Exercise Class Instructor position on campus, as well as an interview at the MOA to be a Museum Educator/tour guide. These two are dream jobs of mine!
  • ...I really need to save up $$$ to buy a car. Desperately. WISH ME LUCK.
  • Tomorrow, I'm also going to look for abandoned bikes on campus and adopt one. It will be great. Hopefully, I'll find something good/functional!
♥ Melissa A.

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