Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Code of Life.

Inspired by Bronte's post today. Bronte is one of my favorite people ever. Go look.

"one day at work i started thinking about codes people write for themselves to live by, or just codes of things that they believe. i was wondering what it was exactly i lived by, and a couple nights ago this list was produced. (i meant to post it during the day but just didn't have time, so having time to blog is another upside of this whole insomnia thing :) )" -Bronte

So here goes the lengthy list.

"Melissa's Life Things"

I believe:

in using air freshener after you've pooped; no one likes to use a smelly bathroom!
in turning on the fan while you're showering; no one likes using a humid bathroom!
in sneezing into your sleeve or towards the ground, not your hands.
in playing music and singing LOUDLY in the shower.
in nighttime showers.
in daily showers.
in showers, period. I sure do mention them a lot.

in letting your hair air dry and be free!
in minimal makeup.

in laughing at myself rather than being embarrassed.
in waking up at ridiculously early hours in the morning to make the twenty minute drive to the beach back home and watch the sunrise with a good friend(s).
in natural light.
in the sky.
in the stars.
in smiles and belly-laughs.
in being confident, not overbearing.
in supporting and defending the musicians you listen to/enjoy.
that haters are going to hate no matter what.
in peanut butter, chocolate and bananas. In large amounts.
that spinach-based salads are worlds better than lettuce-based ones.
in trying all foods even if just once.
in Instagram.
in shallow depths of field: f/1.2, f/1.4, f/1.6, f/1.8.
in good font.
that good quality is reason enough to splurge on clothes, shoes, bags, but not too much!
in feet-appreciation; they do so much for us!
in Black Friday shopping.
in crisp, overcast weather.
that Fall semester (September-December) is the BEST part of the year in every aspect.
in persistence.
in never, ever, ever giving up on people.
in Zumba.
in peaches.
in wearing bright colors.
in drinking water often.
in skim milk.
in braids.
in wearing skirts and dresses 97% of the time.
in saying "Thank you" often and sincerely.
in giving people honest compliments when due.
in all of God's creations... except I question the reason behind the blobfish's existence.
in spending time with good friends.
that having a few good, great, close friends is much better than having a ton of friends.
that everyone should strive to acquire a second language.
in doing the right thing no matter who is or isn't present.
in alone time.
in learning truth for yourself.
in caring for the earth.
in questioning everything in a modest, not overbearing way.
in morning and bedtime prayers, as well as the little in-between whisper-prayers throughout the day.
that the Bible AND the Book of Mormon are the words of God.
that something good can come out of any and every single situation.
that there is something beautiful to be learned from every culture, religion, person, or set of beliefs even if you don't agree with them as a whole.
in the Jesus in people- that there is good in e v e r y single person.
that Satan's main focus is on destroying and tainting the institute of families all over the world.
that Satan's other main focus is on the public education system, which is why I need to be a teacher.
in being a positive light, a force for good, a servant of God, and a disciple of Jesus Christ by BEING and DOING, not simply believing and hoping.
that my Savior, Jesus the Christ, lived, breathed, bled, suffered, died, and resurrected for me. For second, third, and fourth chances. So that I can become a new creation.
that people can change.
in rising above stereotypes.
in remaining steadfast and immovable in good things and the ultimate Good Himself, Jesus Christ.
in eternal life.
that Heavenly Father, God the Father, wishes for me to be as happy as He is and even be exactly like He is.
that Jesus Christ notices and remembers the unnoticed and forgotten.
that Heavenly Father listens to my prayers.
that Joseph Smith really did see God the Father and God the Son and was truly ordained by Christ Himself to restore Jesus Christ's Gospel on earth again.
in modern revelation.
in latter-day prophets.
that my life is a constant work in progress.


  1. You have the 2 most important things here:

    Proper bathroom hygiene.
    Firm gospel principles.

    Not necessarily in that order

  2. Your list makes me happy - black friday shopping... stars... saying thank you... gospel principles - it's all good! :)

    (and I didn't even know my husband read your blog - awesomeness!)

  3. I love your list! I agree with Kurt but I would definately put Firm gospel principles first. Thanks again for a great tour this summer with Bronte, Casey, Shannon andI.
