Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Finals week update:

  • I FOUND OUT WE DON'T HAVE CLEANING CHECKS. MY STRESS LEVEL WENT FROM 8 TO 2. SO SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT! That means I can actually SLEEP well today, Tuesday night :3
  • I was in the print lab from 1 to 5.30 pm. That is a LONG time to be in one room. Staring at a screen. I spent $41 on nine 11x17" prints.
  • I took my D&C final which was online on Blackboard. We had a time limit of four hours (not much of a limit hahah), it was 50 questions, open scripture. I took two and a half hours taking it! I got an 89% on it, which KILLS me because if I had only gotten one or two more questions correct, I would have had the A. Oh well! C'est la vie :)
Tuesday (today):
  • It snowed early in the morning. It was snowing when I was walking to the testing center at 8 am. And it was sticking the ground. It HAS stuck to the ground. I think this is the first time this semester it has snowed and stuck for more than just a few hours in Provo. It's still out there. It made walking up the hill pretty unpleasant, especially when I had an 11x14" final portfolio, my laptop, textbooks and such in my backpack.
  • The Bookstore didn't buy back my Bio textbook and CD. I was kind of bummed about that. I was hoping to get some money back- it was $100 and brand spankin' new. I literally only opened it once this semester. I never unwrapped the CD at all. I hate it when the Bookstore doesn't buy back your books -_-
  • I took my Tagalog final and got a 75% on it. I was kind of hoping for a B, but I definitely think I got the grade I deserved for how much I DIDN'T study. I know I did well on half of it.. it was the other half (more grammar-related) I knew I deff didn't do so well on. I most definitely didn't put the time and effort into studying for it as I should have. It's okay, though, because I've done very well in the class and in every other assignment. I was just so exhausted to the point where I didn't really care about the final or doing well on it.
  • I auditioned for the BYU Women's Chorus today. She definitely liked me much better as a soprano 2 than an alto 1. I think I have a 50-50 chance of getting in. I KNOW my voice/vowels/intonation wasn't nearly up to par as it could have been; I should have practiced, slept and eaten more and better. She'll post the list of those who made it in after the first day of class next semester (so Wednesday, January 4th) and I will know then. I really hope I made it in!
  • In our three-hour critique, I presented my twelve-image final portfolio for my class with Paul Adams, the Intro to Digital Imaging class. He told me that I was one student he couldn't put his finger on; "decipher" was the word he used. He couldn't tell where I wanted to go with photography because my portfolio is so very diverse and there aren't very many "photo habits" of mine showing through. All in all, I think he was pleased with my portfolio. He said he'd like to see where I go with my photography. I thought I did very well and I was pleased :) I'm guessing a B+ or A- on my final portfolio.
  • I don't know where I want to go with my photography, either. Don't know what field or what I want to shoot exactly. I just like photographing a lot of things.
  • I need to study and take my Bio final. I'm kind of really tired, though, and don't know if I care enough to study that much for it. I have a 92% in the class, so if I want to keep that A I should probably try a little bit. I'm just so tired and so ready to go home!
  • I need to do laundry and pack when I get home!
  • I GO HOME.
  • I GO HOME.


  1. It sounds like you have earned a vacation! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family.
