Sunday, January 15, 2012

New job!

Saturday night I officially worked for the first time at my new job: Tokyo Sweets.

Located in the Provo Towne Center's food court, it serves Japanese desserts that are DELICIOUS.

We have banana tempura (tempura: Japanese battered and deep fried goodness), Oreo tempura, cheesecake tempura, brownie tempura, tempura ice cream, mochi ice cream, Ramune, Hello Panda, Hi-Chew, Calpico, Pocky, Milkita pops, regular ice cream, and tons of other stuff.

It's extra awesome because:
  1. My sister and brother-in-law own the place.
  2. I took all the photos hanging up on the wall, serving as the menu.

In all seriousness, though, I really do enjoy working there and I really enjoy working period. It feels good: I'm being productive, I'm helping a business out (specifically my sister and brother-in-law), and I make money. I haven't worked a consistent, hourly-wage job since I worked at Cold Stone back home for a year and a half... a year and a half ago. It's been a while.

I'm also working with my roommate, Sarah, so that makes things extra awesome.

Now, what to do with this money? I can:

a) Save up for a car.
b) Save up for a mission.
c) Save up for a new camera body/lens.
d) Save up for a wedding/honeymoon (not that it's happening soon, but I should still probably save up hahah).
e) Save up for an iPhone (although this is most likely not the wisest of the five).

♥ Melizza.

P.S.: COME VISIT ME! I work Friday and Saturday nights after 4 pm.


  1. I love tempura vegies, but never thought of bananas... sounds interesting! And one more thing you can do with your money: come visit Manson! ;)

  2. Shannon, I would LOVE to visit Manson just again even if Bronte might be away and married. Hahahha. I would come JUST to come. It's beautiful!
