Friday, January 13, 2012


The thought of surrendering to anything/anyone is seen as a sign of weakness, but I beg to differ.

I think in many cases, surrender is a sign of STRENGTH. This is not true when people surrender out of fear- this is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the people who surrender, that know themselves SO well and have their heads well on their shoulders, because they see the bigger picture.

Before I go on, let me declare one thing: Art is in everything. Art is everything. When I say this, I go beyond the general idea of art that involves stages, scripts, violins, paintbrushes and cameras. I am also talking about doctors, teachers, lawyers, paramedics and anyone else in a career.

To me, surrender is a sign of SELFLESSNESS, or the desire to be so. As an artist, you HAVE to surrender. If you are selfish with your time, you can make decent, good art, but you cannot make REAL, TRUE, GREAT art. You cannot truly progress and grow. I know this from personal experience. The artists I look up to give up whole days and days to their art. Even a few hours isn't enough. The artists I look up to aren't perfect, they DO mess up, but they take extra hours and days out of their time to make improvements and alterations. They stand in front of a sheet or sit in a library with their noses in books for hours upon hours to try and learn, become better. They surrender to become better.

To go even further, I think surrendering to someOne, the One and Only God, takes even more strength and eternal perspective. This is the ultimate, great surrender. There is no single thing a person can do that takes more courage, strength and selflessness, nor is there no one thing/person that can provide greater happiness than when you surrender to Him. When you surrender to Him and truly surrender to Him, you love with His Love. Unconditionally. You put your family first. You serve your family. You seek the weary, the poor, the broken-hearted and tend to their needs. You think less about yourself and more about Him. You think less about yourself and more about His children, His work.

In a world that screams that people should stand upon a mountain proclaiming their individuality and greatness, with all else and all others beneath them, the world is ever in need of more people that are willing to lie low (figuratively-speaking and spiritually) and under those at their lowest to tend to them, LOVE them, lift them, encourage them, unify with them. It's easy to be high and mighty; it's harder to lower yourself. A lot of times, what is easy also tends to be the cheapest. Don't go for easy. Don't go for cheap. Humility is the greatest strength. Loving is the greatest thing we can do in that strength. Loving like He did is going the extra mile- like Jesus Christ always does for us.

Status: currently trying to embrace all this in my own life.

♥ Melizza.

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