Wednesday, March 21, 2012


The Rules : post the rules (obviously) : post of photo of yourself : write 11 things no one wants to know about yourself : answer the previous questions the prior asked : create new questions : tag, tag tag.

one : Once, I threw up out of my nose at these guys' apartment. It was lovely.
two : The first thing I do when I wake up, besides pray, is pee.
three : I used to pee in my shower in high school.
four : I brush my teeth in the shower, now. It's a great feeling.
five :  
If I have a wedgie, I am going to pick it.
six : I don't PMS. At all. You will never know when it's that time of month for me.
seven : I am no longer a nervous pooper.
eight : 
I know this all sounds so gross, but I'm actually such a clean freak/germaphobe. I am always washing my hands or using hand sanitizer.
nine : 
I never sleep on the same side of the pillow more than twice, so I change my pillowcase every 3 or 4 days.
ten : 
Leggings should NEVER be used as pants; leggings are NOT pants.
eleven : If I hadn't chosen to attend BYU, I might have dyed my hair cotton candy pink, gotten dreadlocks or shaved the bang-less side of my head.

1: If you met yourself this day two years ago, whats the number one piece of advice you'd give yourself? 
"Stop trying to hang out and be best friends with your ex (Mickey), Melissa! You will forget him, don't worry. Remember the one boy (Marky Mark) who's been there all through the years since sixth grade. Focus on your Savior, Jesus Christ."

2: What is your ideal, go-to outfit?
My black or red skinny pants, black and white polka dot shirt, black knee-high boots, and MAC Russian Red matte lipstick.

3: If your life were made into a movie what actress would play you? Or more importantly, what actor would play your spouse?
I personally think Kirsten Dunst would be perfect. If you watched Elizabethtown and know me, you'd agree

Also, I made this fun and asked people what they think-
Stepdad: Taylor Swift
Mickey: Scarlett Johansson
Chris: "Cat Woman. Fierce."

4: If you had one million dollars whats the first thing you'd buy?
A CAR. A CAR. A CAR. Not three cars, of course. 
Just one.
It would either be a red Mazda 3, a red Jetta, or a yellow X-Terra.

5: If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet?
Hayao Miyazaki (alive) and Fyodor Dostoyevsky (dead). I would love to prod their minds about their art.

6: Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe?
I am not particularly a huge fan of either.

7: Favorite Dr. Seuss book and why?
Horton Hears a Who! 

It teaches about the worth of every soul and the worth of unborn children/it's anti-abortion.
"A person is a person, no matter how small!"

8: First kiss story, let's hear it.
After a youth temple trip to the Orlando temple and Islands of Adventure in sixth grade, Rio gave me a kiss on the cheek as we were getting out of the van in the church parking lot. I was so incredibly giddy, it was silly. He pop kissed me later that week or so, and I was also giddy.

9: Your wedding day is tomorrow. What are your colors, your dress, and the temple?
Orange/coral and teal/turquoise. I would have a J.Crew wedding dress made modest or a lovely, knee-length, 3/4 sleeved dress with a bow and lace. I would be sealed in the Orlando, Florida or Portland, Oregon temple.

10: Whats the best advice you'd give to a girl who is trying to forget a boy who she reeeeeaaaallly likes?Don't bother trying to like boys that like you just to get over the boy. Have patience in forgetting the boy; you WILL forget him (stop hanging out with him and it will help).

New questions for the next person:

1. What should you be doing right now rather than here, reblogging this?

2. "Worst date ever" story, let's hear it.

3. If you met yourself this day back in your senior year of high school, what advice would you give yourself?

4. Tell us about your absolute favorite pair of shoes.

5. Imagine you were stranded alone on an island. You see a golden lamp peeping out from under the sand. You rub it and it turns out to be a food genie! He will give you with unlimited supplies of your three absolute favorite dishes (entrees, desserts, junk food, whatever they may be)- essentials like water are not allowed. What do you ask for?

6. Stripes or polka dots?

7. If you could magically attain a single talent overnight, what would it be and why?

8. Be specific & detailed: What/where is your favorite place to be and why?

9. What is the best way for you to relieve stress and re-center yourself?

10. Favorite thing to cook & favorite thing to bake:

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