Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random news + Love plans:

  • Jonathan Canlas is teaching a photography class at my school. NBD. 
  • On that note, I would take it if I was a Photo BFA student. I can next semester! SO blessed to be at my school.
  • My school's photo studio is SO sick. Our equipment is ridiculous. I can't wait to get my hands on it all and experiment Saturday!
  • I am now officially certified to handle food at restaurants. My new Utah Food Handler's Permit says so.
  • Everyone in Utah: COME EAT AT TOKYO SWEETS AT THE PROVO TOWNE CENTER. It's delicious. And new!
  • I just realized that I LOVE history. Not the general history classes like "History of France" and "American History", but SPECIFIC history classes. I have taken History of Dance and History of Modern Civilizations through Literature in the past here in college and adored them both. I am currently taking History of Music and History of Jazz and I adore those even more. It's unreal. I have goosebumps the whole time. No joke. History minor, anyone?
My Love plans?

I am going to see about getting a group of people to do some outreach here in Provo. Back home with Mickey (a few years back), I would sometimes participate in what they called "Love Bags"- packing sandwiches, notes, water and such together to hand out to the homeless back home in downtown Ft. Lauderdale where there is a BIG homeless population. Well, I know there are quite a lot of homeless here in Provo, too. And they need love. REAL love.

I remember one time in downtown Ft. Lauderdale, Mickey and I spoke to a man named Cliff for two solid hours. I wish we had more time to speak with him. I wish I knew where he was right now. I know there are thousands upon thousands of people like Cliff: without food, without a home, without a family, without hope. I want to help introduce love and Christ into the lives of people like Cliff.

"Jesus said to feed the poor, not donate.” I read that here on Keegan's blog a while back and it really struck and remained with me.

We have been commanded to unite with our fellow brethren; how can we possibly do that by writing out checks to charity efforts? I mean, it's still an awesome thing to do, of course, but with God and His work, we must go the extra mile. We must LOVE His children personally, individually, as He loves us.

"Because I have been given much, I too must give."

All for His glory, all for His children.

less of me, more of Him.

♥ Melizza.


  1. Your enthusiasm is contagious! A lady in my old ward used to carry new socks with her whenever she went to work downtown; it was very humbling to hear her describe how very grateful a homeless person was for something as simple as a pair of clean, warm socks.

  2. That is a wonderful idea! Thanks so much :)
