Wednesday, February 22, 2012

was inspired by Tori to do this.

Five things I was doing 10 years ago:
  1. Living in the apartment on the water in Miami.
  2. Admiring my super-long, super-slender fingers. Not kidding. They have not been so slender and slim since then, though, as I have picked up a nasty habit of cracking my knuckles 24/7.
  3. In fourth grade, in my second year the gifted program in my elementary school.
  4. Hiding in the bathroom for a whole class period because I didn't know my times tables.
  5. Watching The Ring. Bad idea as a kid. Totally scarred me for life. I will never have a TV in my room again.
Five things on my to-do list today:
  1. Sing some electro-reggae tunes for Cory and Jordan
  2. Write up my Color Photo class Theme Project Proposal
  3. Fill out my two homework sheets for Contemporary Dance
  4. Study for my Jazz Listening exam tomorrow
Five snacks I enjoy:
  1. ANYTHING peanut butter-related. Seriously.
  2. Special-K blueberry bars
  3. Bananas
  4. Wheat Thins
  5. Chocolate-covered pretzels
Five things I'd do if I were a millionaire:
  1. Pay tithing if it was money I earned.
  2. Buy a butt-load of food, clothes, Bibles and copies of the Book of Mormon and do homeless outreach.
  3. Buy a car for myself.
  4. Buy a butt-load of things on my wish list: a new camera body and camera gear, an iMac, a new guitar, maybe a Macbook Air.
  5. Pay off and/or buy each of my sets of parents (my mom and Rich, my dad and Zulay) their/a home.
Five things I'd never wear again:
  1. Belt bottom/flare jeans
  2. Wiggly, butterfly clips in my hair.
  3. Eyeliner on my bottom lid.
  4. Colored pants with ridiculous, white fade effect.
  5. Gel ALL throughout my head while wearing a ponytail.
♥ Melizza.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on you jazz exam! And I agree - just say no to bell bottoms! :)
